
Monday, March 23, 2015

March Challenge - # Bruk stempel / use stamps

Velkommen til en ny utfordring her på Stampartic!
Aller først skal vi presentere vinneren og Top 3

Welcome to a new challenge here at Stampartic!
First we are going to present the winner and Top 3

og vinneren er /and the winner is......

........Anita Lise
med denne vakre kreasjonen/with this beautiful creation

Gratulerer! For å få premien send en mail til :




Takk for de vakre bidragene!!


Mars - utfordring/ March - challenge

Tema/ theme : Bruk Stempel / Use Stamps

"Så længe du følger kriteriene på denne udfordring kan du levere følgende bidrag: kort, LO/, bretteprosjekt i papir, Art Journal, Mixed Media prosjekt, Tag/ATC eller lommescrapping.

 As long as you follow the challenge you can deliever following projects: card, layout, paperfolding, Art Journal, Mixed Media, Tag/ATC or Project Life."

Inspirasjon fra DT'ene / Inspiration from the DT's




Vi gleder oss til å se bidragene deres!/ We are looking forward to see your contributions!!

Please remember to follow these few simple rules: 

No backlinking only new creations.
Three (3) entry limit.
Must follow challenge theme to qualify for prize 
    Direct link to your challenge entry ... not your entire blog.
    We would really appreciate you turning OFF the word verification.

    You have to use InLikz
    You have until 21. of April
    Good luck to you all


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