
Sunday, February 27, 2011

~Readers gallery~

Welcome to a new month with wonderful creations
made by you readers.

It's always fun to show off what's
around the various blogs,
especially those made after being inspired
by StampARTic articles.

Let's take a dive in our readers great artworks

Heather has been inspired by Mariannes wonderful folding card tutorial
and made a beautiful  card herself.
Take a look here:

Christine has made several beautiful easel card


Majorelle has also been inspired by the Post-It easel cad made
Majorelle have created these wonderful cards.

Remember to e-mail us or leave a comment, if you have been inspired
by any of our articles.
We are looking forward to show of your project in our magazine!


  1. Ja również zainspirowałam się kartką sztalugową Mariannes, a tu efekt tej pracy

  2. Thanks a lot again to Marianne to have inspired us with her great tutorial!
    I'm very happy to share with you the pictures of my cards and rather proud to "sit" in this page of your magazine!
    I enjoy at all to read you and to discover the wonderful creations of your team!
    Congratulations to the others ladies!

    Hugs from Majorelle

  3. J'ai trouvé superbe les 2 cartes de Majorelle, elles sont magnifiques. Majorelle mériterait d'être publiée plus souvent chez vous afin d'être reconnue. C'est une artiste au grand coeur pleine de générosité. Félicitations Majorelle. Amitiés. Mymy (mym'créas)

  4. Ces créations sont magnifiques. J'admire particulièrement le travail des doigts de fée de Miss Majorelle.
    Heureuse de voir ses "oeuvres" reconnues.
    Amitiés de Fr@nchouette ^!^

  5. Wahouh ! trop, trop beau ! ces portes post-it sont magnifiques ! bravooooo à Majorelle ! elle mérite vraiment d'être reconnue ! Majorelle a des doigts en or.

  6. Congratulations to Heather, Christine and of course... Majorelle! I love her first post-it notes.The butterfly is as beautiful as the colors she has chosen.

  7. Nice violets is really beautiful, I love.
    Congratulations at Majorelle, big talent.
