
Monday, September 10, 2012

DT article: Pion Design...

Hi there peeps!
We have got the wonderful opportunity to be able to work with Pion Designs new Christmas release Silent Night.
Here is some information about Pion and there fantastic papers:

The Story of Pion Design
Pion Design is a manufacturer of scrapbooking papers in a vintage and romantic style. We are situated in the northern part of Sweden and our papers are created and printed locally.
The company was founded by Jenny Erickson. In the summer of 2009 the idea about a scrapbooking store was born and I finalized the decision when the peonies were beautifully blooming in our garden, thus the name Pion Design (Pion is peony in Swedish).
After a while I started to cooperate with Theresa Lundström, known as Pysselgumman, a talented scrapper as well as graphic artist. 

In the spring of 2010 we released our first original designed scrapbook papers. Now we have 11 released collections;

Forget me not – our very first collection
Waiting for Santa – Christmas papers
From my Heart – a romantic collection
From Grandma's Attic – vintage sepia pictures
Fairytale of Spring – Easter and spring theme
Studio of Memories – designed with inspiration from old family photos
Images from the Past – cut out images in color
For Father – a masculine collection

For Mother – papers in a feminine design

Grandma’s school book – a summer collection inspired by Grandma’s school book

Silent Night – a Christmas and winter collection

And there is more to come… our ideas are blooming!

You can find our web shop at  

We are very happy that we now have retailers in lots of countries. If you are interested in becoming one of our retailers we kindly ask you to register as a company customer in our web shop and we will get in touch with you

We are lucky to have a great design team with members from all over the world. Take a look in our blog to see their beautiful projects. 

Hopefully our papers will give you many creative and happy moments!

And here are what our amazing DT-girls have created:



 I have made a card, with a pocket for a tag and for money or giftcard.

I have also made a card to put a chocolatebar in





I made two cards and a box with Pions lovely papers.


I made 2 Christmas cards and one Christmas tag to hang on a gift.


First I made 3 small giftbags for Christmas..
 ..and then 2 cards..



I made three cards

One tag and giftbag

and here is the background of the giftback



  1. This is a great post. Loved reading about Pion and awesome creations. Thanks for sharing.

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