Vi vil gjerne få invitere dere alle med på en reise i bloggland.
Hva er nytt med det, tenker du kanskje. Vi reiser vel alle rundt i bloggland både titt og ofte, og vi har alle våre favoritt blogger trygt plassert på blogglista vår. Men det finnes så mye mer der ute!
Vi i StampARTic DT vil gjerne presentere noen av våre favorittblogger, og forhåpentligvis gi dere en reise gjennom blogger dere kanskje ikke har oppdaget ennå. Hver eneste en av disse bloggene er en skatt, og vel verdt et besøk.
Vi ønsker dere alle en vakker og inspirerende bloggreise.
We want to invite you all to a trip through blog land.
What is new about that, you might think. We all take a trip through blog land from time to time, and we all have our favorite blogs on our blog roll. But it is so much more out there!
We in StampARTic DT want to present for you some of our favorite blogs, and hopefully give you a journey through blogs you yet haven`t discovered. Each and everyone of these blogs are a treasure, and well worth a visit.
We wish you all a beautiful and inspiring blog adventure.
I would like to give you all a link to Jannhilds beautiful blog.
Here you can see two of her wonderful projects, and her blog is filled with pearls like this.
I would like to share a multi-talented lady's blog : Anita's Kreative side
Anita is a great card maker and her coloring is outstanding,
but she is also busy with other crafting projects,
and all she makes is just wonderful:
Here are some preview's
And here is Anita herself in a dress she has made herself!
Like I said: multi talented lady!!
One of my favorite blogs is the one I like to share with you, it's Tinkstiina. I like espacially her world of colours and great ideas. I always get into great mood when I visit in her blog.

Here I will show one of my favorite blog that I regularly visit.
She creates the most beautiful creations, with the most amazing detail.
I have a friend who makes a lots of beautiful cards, LO and
knitting projects....
Her name is Line and this is her blog:
Have been spending some time looking around out there for beautiful but not yet so well-known blogs, and luckily I stumbled over Sarah´s Scrapperi. This talented lady does it all- cards, LO:s and altered projects with the same excellence. I strongly recommend you to visit her blog and see for yourself !
I can highly recommend a lovelly blogger who is incredibly inspiring and talented on both card making and layouts but also to make altred crafting!
Her coloring is just MAGIC!
Thank you Rimna for the inspiraionen you always giving me!
Some cards Rimna have made;
The blog I found I really like are this blog by Mikaela.
A very, very talented lady to make cards, alter
and layouts in a little more artsy style.
And the decorations she makes are stunning.
Hope you get as inspired as I am.

Just look at this chest. It´s so cooool.
Wish you all a nice blog journey.
Have been spending some time looking around out there for beautiful but not yet so well-known blogs, and luckily I stumbled over Sarah´s Scrapperi. This talented lady does it all- cards, LO:s and altered projects with the same excellence. I strongly recommend you to visit her blog and see for yourself !
I can highly recommend a lovelly blogger who is incredibly inspiring and talented on both card making and layouts but also to make altred crafting!
Her coloring is just MAGIC!
Thank you Rimna for the inspiraionen you always giving me!
Some cards Rimna have made;
The blog I found I really like are this blog by Mikaela.
A very, very talented lady to make cards, alter
and layouts in a little more artsy style.
And the decorations she makes are stunning.
Hope you get as inspired as I am.

Just look at this chest. It´s so cooool.
Wish you all a nice blog journey.