Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tutorial - Tea box

I dag vil jeg vise hvordan du kan lage en åpen te eske. Denne tar seg godt ut på frokostbordet, eller er en perfekt liten gave. Om du ikke er en te drikker, så gjør det ingenting. Jeg har laget målene på denne esken til å passe små kaffeposer med cappuccino ol. også. Og liker du ikke kaffe heller, så fyll esken med sjokolade, eller hva du måtte ønske:)

Størrelsen på esken er lett å tilpasse det du vil. Lag grunnflaten til esken i den størrelsen du vil, og følg den samme fremgangsmåten.
Du får noen eksempler helt til slutt.

Today I want to show you how to make an open tea box. It will look great on your breakfast table, or it is a perfect little gift. Not much of a tea drinker? Don`t worry, I have made the size of this box to also fit the small coffee bags of cappuccino etc. Not too fond of coffee either? Fill the box with chocolate or whatever you like:)

The size of this box is easy to adjust. Just make the bottom of the box the size you need, and then follow the steps of my tutorial.
I will give you some examples in the end.

Start med kartong 14cm / 22,5cm.
Preg 4cm inn fra alle sider, og klipp inn hakk som du ser på bildet.
Jeg har sotet alle kanter på både innsiden og utsiden med Distress Ink – Vintage Photo.

Start with 14cm / 22,5cm cardstock.
Score 4cm in from all four sides, and cut it like you see in my picture.
I have distressed all edges on both sides with Distress Ink – Vintage Photo.

Her har jeg valgt mønsterpapiret jeg vil bruke. Mitt papir er fra Pion Design – Sagan om våren.
Utvendig trenger du : 14cm / 3,5cm – 2stk
                                 5,5cm / 3,5cm – 2stk
Innvendig trenger du: 14cm / 3,5cm – 1stk
                                 5,5cm / 3,5cm – 2stk
                                14cm / 5,5cm – 1stk


Now I choose my Patterned paper. I will use papers from Pion Design.
On the outside you need: 14cm / 3,5cm – 2pcs
                                        5,5cm / 3,5cm – 2pcs
On the inside you need: 14cm / 3,5cm – 1pcs
                                      5,5cm / 3,5cm – 2pcs
                                    14cm / 5,5cm – 1pcs


Her er utsiden dekorert.

Here I have decorated the outside.

På innsiden dekorerer jeg først bunnen og de to kortsidene.


On the inside I start by decorating the bottom, and the small sides.

Så limer jeg esken sammen ./ Now I glue the box together.

Så limer jeg på langsiden, og skjøtene blir skjult.

Now I add the long side, that will hide the edges.

Til ryggen bruker jeg en Spellbinder dies, og jeg kutter bare toppen av papiret.
Jeg klipper papiret til målene 11,5cm / 13,5cm. Da får jeg plass til et panel rundt.
Hvis du som meg liker å dekorere baksiden også, så kutter du til en maken papirbit. Høyden på denne trenger ikke være mer enn 7,5cm.

For the back of the box I use a Spellbinder dies, but I only cut the top of my paper.
Cut the paper to fit these dimensions: 11,5cm / 13,5cm. Now you have room for a panel around the paper.
If you are like me and like to decorate the backside as well, then make a second paper like this. The hight of this one doesn`t have to be more than 7,5cm.

Jeg limer papiret til en kartong….

Now I glue the paper on some cardstock….


…og klipper fasongen rundt for hånd med en god saks.

..and cut the shape by hand with a good scissor.


Til bunnen bruker jeg ”around the page” puncher fra Martha Stewart.
Kartongen min er 6 ¾” / 3 ¼” før jeg puncher.

For the bottom I use ”around the page” punches from Martha Stewart.
The cardstock is 6 ¾” / 3 ¼” before punching.


Jeg pynter ryggens forsiden før jeg limer den på esken. Her har jeg tatt dobbeltsidig teip på den nederste delen av ryggen.

I decorate the back panel before I attach it to the box. Here I have added double sided tape to the lower part of the back.


Fest ryggen til esken…

Attach the back to the box….


..og lim på mønsterpapir om du vil.

..and add patterned paper if you like.


Det var det hele. Her er det ferdige resultater.

That was all. Here is my tea box completely finished.

Her har jeg laget en maken eske som passer til kaffe.

Here I have made a same sized box, fit for coffee.

Jeg lovet noen flere eksempler.

Her er en eske som passer til to mini kubbelys.
Kartong: 16cm / 12cm
Preg 4 cm inn fra alle sider.


I promised you some more examples.

This box fits two mini candles.
Cardstock: 16cm / 12cm
Score 4cm in from all four sides.

Min siste eske passer til store telys.
Kartong: 14cm / 14cm.
Preg 4cm inn fra alle sider.


My last box fits big taelights.
Cardstock: 14cm / 14cm
Score 4cm in from all four sides.

Jeg håper dere likte tutorialen min:)

I hope you all enjoyed my tutorial:)


NancyD said...

Yes, it is wonderful. I will have to try it soon. NancyD

Leigh said...

Oh my goodness, what a fabulous tutorial!!! These boxes are absolutely stunning, will definitely be trying to make one.

Unknown said...

Fantastyczne, fenomenalne pudełeczka... jestem pod wrażeniem....

Charlotte Ravn said...

Great tutorial Marianne!! You are so clever!! Beautiful boxes you have made!
Hugs from Charlotte

Cheryl said...

Great tutorial, love your designs, will have to give this a go.
Hugs Cheryl

Unknown said...

Great tutorial ! Love all the boxes you have shown. Thanks for sharing.
Ageeth xx

Ann Kristin said...

nyyydelig!!! Tusen takk for tutorial, denne skal prøves! :)

Pysselbus said...

WOW!!! Fantastiskt tutorial och otroligt vackert dekorerat!! Du är en enorm idéspruta och inspirationskälla - tusen tack för att du delar med dig!!


Gro said...

Herlig :o)

Kjersti said...

Tusen, tusen takk! Skikkelig lekre, disse eskene dine - og nå er det snart jul:)
Klem Kjersti

Theresa ~ Pion Design said...

Så fantastiskt fina ♥

Tamara said...

Great turtorial!! I will try it soon :-)
xx Tamara

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
these projects are all just all gorgeous hunni
thank you so much sweetie for the tutorials
have a great day sweetie
hugs angelique

Christine S said...

Tusen takk för de fina, vackra askar o inspiration.

Christine S

Sandra said...

Underbara! Många tack för denna härliga tutorial! :)

Thea said...

Thank you very much for this great tutorial and all the lovely boxes!


Ingrid's Stempel Studio said...

Wauw what a wonderfull tutorial, many thanks for sharing.

Greets Ingrid

Maritha said...

Heeelt underbart fint!! Det kommer att testas!! =)

Kram Maritha

Margret said...

A great tutorial. Thank You!
Greetings from Germany

Torill said...

Nydelig tutorial!Takk for at du deler den med oss.

Eva said...

Åhh vilka fina askar!!! Jag älskar askar och boxar av alla de slag, måste ju testa denna, så himla användbar. Varmt tack för att du delar med dig!!
hälsar Eva

Marlies said...

What a gorgeous boxes and a great tutorial, very easy to follow. Thank you very much.
hugs, Marlies

Shazza said...

how gorgeous, thank you x

PauleetChinelle said...

Extraordinaire! Wow thank you for the patern. The christmans one is my favorite

Kjerstin said...

Fantastisk!! :D
Herlig inspirasjon!!

Gisela Creativ said...

Das ist ja wundervoll..... habe es auch mal versucht....vielen Dank für die tolle Anleitung.
LG Gisela

Lenes stempelkrok said...


Maryann Laursen said...

What a stunning project here, I just so love, what you´ve done, and it´s so gorgeous. I´m definately going to try this sometime soon, that´s for sure. Wonderful giftidea for a dear friend.

Marianne Reijgersberg said...

This is so beautiful, so thank you so much for your clear explanation.
I will make one of these boxes defenitely.
Hugs Marianne

yvon said...

This is absolut gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs, Yvon

Carola / Calle said...

Super fin ide och vilken tutorial. Tusen tack att du delade den med oss alla.

Petra/Paradise said...

Jag tappade just min haka...
bäst att leta rätt på den.

Jag är mållös!

Å du är tutorialDROTTNING Marianne!!!

kram Petra

MonicaE said...

Noe så flott!! Supre gaveideer! Tusen takk for at du deler!

Gro said...

Den var lekker, Marianne! Den må prøves snart!

Anonymous said...


Denne har jeg ventet på. Flott tutorial. Du er utrolig flink. Er ofte innom bloggen din for å få inspirasjon. Gleder meg til å prøve denne:)

Mvh Hilde

Berit said...

Noe sååå lekkert!! Dette må prøves!
Tusen takk for en flott tutorial.
Klem, Berit:)

Berit said...

Noe sååå lekkert!! Dette må prøves!
Tusen takk for en flott tutorial.
Klem, Berit:)

Toos Awater said...

Wat een super tutorial bedankt dat je dit met ons wilde delen

Groetjes Toos

Frk. Bogstad said...

Tusen takk for flott tutorial :)
Nydelige ark du har brukt :)

Scrappiness said...

It´s beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us! We are having an online crop tonight and making this project.You´ll probably find a couple of those boze on dutch blogs after tonight :)

Solveig said...

Så nydelige ting Marianne!!!

Tusen takk for oppskrifta!
Nå har jeg laga slike, veldig kjekke som gaver!

Lakrisstang said...

Wow.... stilig, og kjempefine esker!! <3
Takk for at du deler!

Zima said...

Oooh vilken supersöt & mångsidig ask! Tack!

Scrappegal said...

WOW!! Så nyyydelig!!!!! :) :) :)

Karen Elise said...

Tusen takk! Denne var helt fantastisk! Dette skal jeg prøve meg på :D

Victoria said...

Hei =)
Jeg har akkurat laget et innlegg på bloggen min og teposekalender og tebokser. Linket til din mal der, dersom du vil se det hele må du gjerne stikke innom: http://designdrommer.blogg.no/1321621158_adventskalender__mitt.html

Hilsen Victoria

Elen said...

For noen helt herlige te-bokser:-D

Anusha Vamsee said...

Lovely tutorial.. :)

Sara said...

This is a fabulous project and great gift ideas, I `ve been looking through the rest of your blog and your work is stunning, thanks so much for sharing your wonderful projects,hugs Sara xx

evlin95 said...

magnifiques creations, merci pour le partage des tutos

Glimpses of My Heart said...

Thank you so much for all the inspiration! I can't wait to try this!

Unknown said...

Oh my, so lovely and what an excellent tutorial! Thank you for sharing. You are quite talented <3 - Stormy, Branson, Missouri USA

Barbiedi said...

fantastic idea's for gifts, i love your tutorial, thank you x

Sylvia said...

So beautiful!

Sylvia said...

So beautiful!

Sylvia said...

So beautiful!

weim house said...

love your idea! your designs are beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

Gracias por compartir. Todo es bello http://ventanasdescrapbook.blogspot.com/

Jordan Mick said...

Tea boxes are a great way to organize and store your tea collection. Not only do they come in many different styles and colors, but they also have a variety of benefits.

Custom boxes said...

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