Dere kjenner sikkert til den veldig talentfulle tusenkunstneren Pia. Hun er DT hos idebloggen ”Scrapfactory”, og det var der jeg fant en fantastisk tutorial om selvlagde roser, som var laget ved hjelp av Retro puncher og vann!! Jeg var snar bort til hobbybordet, og fant fort ut at dette var noe alle kan lage. Damene i ”Scrapfactory” har vært så snille å la meg dele disse blomstene med StampARTics lesere, så her kommer min tutorial om hvordan du kan lage de lekreste roser. Husk å stikke innom ”Scrapfactory”, der finner du masse inspirasjon!!
Many of you know the very talented Pia. She is DT at the idea blog “Scrapfactory”, and it was there I found a fantastic tutorial about handmade roses, that was made only from retro punch flowers and water!! I had to try it right away, and experienced that this was something we all can do. The ladies in “Scrapfactory” have been so kind to let me share these flowers with StampARTics readers, and here follows my tutorial of how to make these beautiful roses. Make sure to visit “Scrapfactory”, for a lot of inspiration.
Many of you know the very talented Pia. She is DT at the idea blog “Scrapfactory”, and it was there I found a fantastic tutorial about handmade roses, that was made only from retro punch flowers and water!! I had to try it right away, and experienced that this was something we all can do. The ladies in “Scrapfactory” have been so kind to let me share these flowers with StampARTics readers, and here follows my tutorial of how to make these beautiful roses. Make sure to visit “Scrapfactory”, for a lot of inspiration.
For my example I have used aquarelle paper, but you can use all kinds of cardstock. Now it is time to save even the smallest left over papers, and make roses. I have used my Retro punches, in three different sizes. Then I just need a brad, and some water. Here I have made four big, three medium, and three small flowers.
Så soter jeg kantene med vannfast blekk på begge sider. Distress fungerer ikke her, siden jeg skal bruke mye vann etter hvert.
Then I use some ink on both sides of the flower. It has to be waterproof ink, since we are going to add a lot of water.
Så bretter jeg bladene opp, en etter en. Jeg tilfører mer vann underveis. Jeg er litt hardhendt, og de større bladene bretter jeg litt etter hvert som jeg bretter dem opp.
Now I use the brad to make my flower, and I am ready to add water. A lot of water!
Then I fold the petals up, one by one. Now and then I add some more water. I am a bit rough, and the bigger petals I crunch a little.
Then I fold the petals up, one by one. Now and then I add some more water. I am a bit rough, and the bigger petals I crunch a little.
Når alle bladene er brettet opp, og blomsten ser ut som en sørgelig våt klump med papir, så starter magien. Nå bretter du forsiktig bladene ut igjen, og former dem litt underveis. De aller minste bladene kan få stå igjen, og danne en knupp.
When the whole flower is folded, and it just looks like a sad wet lump of paper, then the magic starts. Now you carefully fold the petals out again, and you can shape them a little bit with your fingers. Some of the smallest flowers I leave the way they are, to make a center in my rose.
Her er resultatet.
La blomsten tørke helt!
Nå kan du velge om du vil pynte videre på blomsten, med Glimmermist, Perfect pearls, glitterlim, eller bare beholde den som den er.
Here is the result.
Wait for the rose to dry. Now you can decorate the flower with Glimmermist,Perfect pearls, glitter, or just keep it the way it is.
Here is the result.
Wait for the rose to dry. Now you can decorate the flower with Glimmermist,Perfect pearls, glitter, or just keep it the way it is.
Jeg håper dere likte tutorialen, og denne måten å lage blomster på.
Here is a card where I have used flowers made this way.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and this way of makeing flowers.
Here is a card where I have used flowers made this way.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and this way of makeing flowers.
Helt nydelige blomster. Flott å se hvordan de er laget, har egentlig sett det før, men fint å bli minnet om det. Og nydelig kort med selvlagede blomster. Inspirerende.
Ble helt målløs, så først blomsten på bildet og tenkte at "nå har de sikkert bare et fancy bilde for å få tutorialen til å virke enda bedre" men neimen tok jeg ikke grundig feil. Den blomsten ser jo helt prikk lik ut som en Mulberry blomst, takk for denne opplysningen og tutorialen. Her skal det neimen ikke sløses mer penger på å kjøpe DEN sorten med blomster!
This is such a clever idea, I love it!!!! Thanks for the tutorial:-D
Inge xOx
Thank you for the wonderful story and a lovely flower.
Beautiful, beautiful work. Thanks for the tutorial.
Men du vilka otroligt fina rosor det blev, detta måste jag oxå pröva, få se om jag får till det. Tack för tutorial
Yes, what a good idea. So beautiful.
See you soon.
Så fantastisk fine de ble!! Nå har jeg endelig bestemt meg; jeg SKAL kjøpe meg retro flower punchere! tusen takk for flott tutorial som var bra skrevet og lett å forstå :)
Så lekre de ble!
Superkreativt fra deg igjen, Marianne! Sååå imponert her... =0)
Wow! I was just waiting for a tutorial like this. How much money this is gonna save me!
Super! Thanks for sharing!
Wow... Disse var nydelige... Det ser vanskelig ut, men jeg skal prøve!!
Flotte blomster! Må innrømme at puncherne har ligget og støvet en stund, men nå er de fremme igjen og det er skikkelig artig å lage hjemmelagde blomster! Tuuusen takk!
WOW det finns inga ord som kan uttrycka hur himla snygga rosorna blev, wow wow jag är nockad! Totally :O
Tack för en toppen tourial!
Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial these flowers are stunning.
xx Vee
Disse var bare nydelige!! Jeg skal definitivt prøve og se om jeg får det til.
Et lite ønske: kunne dere lagt inn en tittel på dette innlegget så vi kan linke til det? Det hadde vært supert! :)
WOW vilka läckra blommor - och pedagogisk tutorial!
TACK!! *ilar till pysselbordet för att testa*
thank you so much for sharing this with us I love them and can't wait to try them out Dorothy
oh thank you thank you for this wonderful tutorial. Someone from Holland gave me the link to this and now it has ended up in Scotland.
Gorgeous, thank you so much! ~Diane
Very nice flowers! Thanx for the tutorial!
Bye bye, Marjolein
Fantastic tutorial! Thank you so much for sharing. I make so many multi-layered cards and the clear boxes just aren't always the most attractive presentation. If you don't mind I'm going to put a link on my blog to help share your wonderful gift to us.
Beautiful! Just discovered your blog and I think I am going to learn a lot here. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
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