It is time for the 2nd challenge in June and the theme is flowers. There is so many beautiful flowers out there right now and we would like to see your creations with flowers. You can do them yourself, you can use flower decorations, you can use flower pictures or stamps. What ever inspires you about flowers. Please do not use any other image stamps, only flowers and texts if you want to. Lets get focused on flowers :)
On jälleen kuukauden toisen haasteen aika. Kesäkuun kunniaksi aiheenamme on kukat. Voit tehdä kukkia itse tai käyttää valmiita koristeita. Voit leimailla kukkia tai käyttää kukkakuvia, mitä tahansa mitä tulee mieleen kukista. Älä käytä kuitenkaan muita hahmoja, vain ja ainoastaan kukkia. Tekstejä voit toki halutessasi lisätä. Keskitytään tällä kertaa kukkiin :)
Our sponsor for this challenge is:
Tämän haasteen sponsorina toimii:
Here comes lots of flowers from the DT team:
Tässä tulee paljon kukkia DT tiimiläisiltä:










Now you have untill midnight 25th of June StampARTic time to participate. Link your blog in the Mister Linky schedule below.
Osallistumisaikaa on 25. kesäkuuta 24:00 StampARTicin aikaa. Linkitä blogisi alla olevaan Mister Linky luetteloon.
Wonderful cards, just foundmy stash of flowers, might try and make a card! =)
Hugs, Elenor
I just finished my card and have added it to Mr Linky! =)
Hugs, Elenor
Oh wow, I just love the absolutely gorgeous DT samples! Very pretty all of them!
Wonderful DT creations! Love them! Thanks for the inspiration!
Wonderaful cards, have added my flower card to Mr Linky :-)
Wonderful cards!! :-) And a lovely challenge! :-)
I love this blog and this is the first time I've entered a challenge. I will be back, for sure!
Barb Wibel
Sorry I was late in posting my cards. You had so many beautiful entries. I hope you will have a moment to visit our blog.
What a lovely blog, and what a lovely challange! =D
Just up my street,I love flowers!.x
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