Lag et papirprosjekt med en eller annen form for dies!
Det er ikke viktig for oss hvem som har produsert diesen eller hva du måtte lage,
men prosjektet må være laget med utstanset figur fra en dies og scrapbook papir/kartong.
Make something with a die-cut from a dies!
It's not important who prodused the metal dies or what you make, as long as you use a die-cut
made from a diese and that you use scrapbooking paper/cardstock.
This challenge is sponsored by

...here's the awesome prize...

Here's what our designteam have made for inspiration...
Lag et papirprosjekt med en eller annen form for dies!
Det er ikke viktig for oss hvem som har produsert diesen eller hva du måtte lage,
men prosjektet må være laget med utstanset figur fra en dies og scrapbook papir/kartong.
Make something with a die-cut from a dies!
It's not important who prodused the metal dies or what you make, as long as you use a die-cut
made from a diese and that you use scrapbooking paper/cardstock.
This challenge is sponsored by
...here's the awesome prize...
Here's what our designteam have made for inspiration...
I have created a shaped shaker card, using Tim Holtz clock die.
Tilda has been painted with watercolours. The background with the sea scene is also a stamp - and has been coloured with watercolours. All the leaves and swirls are different dies.
To make the back of the Tilda figure more interesting, I have coloured here green as a hedge, and mounted a dog. The glass beads has been coloured with blue alcohol ink. I have added a few clock diecuts of cardboard in between the sides of the card - to make room for the beads and to make some depth to the landscape scene.
There is room for a personal message at the back of the card.
I have made a Box, 4x4x4 inch.
All the papers are from G45, Sweet Sentiments Collection.
Moste of the dies I have jused is from Memory Box, Marianne Design and Spellbinders.
The flowers is from Prima, Storyteller, Hobbykunst og WOC.
This is back of the Box.
I have jused gesso on all the flowers.
I made a box shaped like an egg.
I drybrushed it with Viva Inkagold and Decoart paint
Jeg har laget en eggformet boks som jeg har tørrbørsta med maling fra Viva Inka Gold og Decoart Paint.
For the eggshaped I used a big balloon die from Simon Says Stamps. The other dies are from Joy craft.
For selve eggformen har jeg brukt en ballong die fra Simon Says Stamp og de andre er fra Joy Craft.
The embossing is the Regal embossingfolder from Tim Holtz.
I also used some Prima flowers and made the orange rose using punched flowers.
Some pearl lace and the rest of the pearls made with Viva pearl pen.
Embossingfolderen er Regal fra Tim Holtz.
I tillegg har jeg brukt Prima blomster og rosen i midten har jeg laget selv, med punchet blomster.
Jeg har også brukt perlebånd langs sidene og på forsiden og baksiden har jeg laget perlene med Viva pearl pen.
Jeg har kost meg med blomsterdieser fra Spellbinders og klokkediesen fra Tim Holtz
I have had som fun with flowerdies from Spellbinders and clockdie from Tim Holtz
Jeg brukte en Prima tag, der jeg klippet av nederste biten og lagde en lomme..
I used a Prima tag where I cut of the bottom to make a pocket
Klokken er stanset ut av grungeboard og blomstene jeg av gammelt restepapir som har fått masse forskjellig mist på seg..
The clock is from grungeboard and the flowers are from leftover paper witch have got lots and lots of mist on them..
Jag har valt att göra ett kort med diesen Step Card från Ceery Lynn design. Kortet är sedan dekorerat med diverse olika dies alla utom raiit skylten som kommer från Sizzix och texten är en stans från Mandys/Engströms Artstudio.
I have choosen to make a card with the step card dies fråm Cheery lynn design. The card is decoratd with differens dies, all of them exept the Grattis sign, tha one is from Sizzix, and the grattis text is from Mandys/Engströms.
Jag valde att rota fram riktigt gamla dies och se vad jag kunde hitta på med dem! Detta är vad kortet ville bli.
I dug out some old dies to see what I could do with them. This is how it turned out.
and we are proud to present
with this project...
Please send a mail to stampartic@gmail.com with name and address,
so that Marianne can send you an awesome price!
Thanks to everyone that joined the challenge for march!
Here you can leave your project for April Challenge...
Fantastic projects from the DT. Great idea with the clock die.
Did you announce the winner of the February Pop of colour challenge? Can't see it
Love to play along...Linked up my project!
Heisann!! får ikke til å legge igjen link.. Jeg får valgt bilde og lagt inn link og navn. Alt virker klart!. Men får ikke trykt siste knappen for å lagre dette. Beklager vet ikke hva jeg gjør feil.
Her er linken til kortet mitt om jeg får lov å være med alikevel. Eller om noen kan hjelpe meg med dette. Tusen Takk
Hejsan! det äe första gaangen jag gör med här. Hoppas ni tycker om mitt projekt! Lena
Thank you for the gorgeous DT inspirations and a great challenge Karen x
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