När man gör ett kort som skall spinna behöver man en punch som gör ett hål på pappret, två mynt, runda 3-d kuddar och naturligtvis material till kortet. Jag har inte runda 3d-kuddar så jag gjorde en med min Crop-a-Dile och vanliga fyrkantiga 3d-kuddar.
To make a spinning card you need a punch, two coins, round 3d-tape and naturaly some materials for the card. As I don't have round 3d-tapes I made it using mu Crop-a-Dile tool and normal square 3d-tape.

There are different ways how to make the hole in the paper. You make it as I did with a punch who makes the upper hole on the paper. The other way is to make to holes and with a crafting knives cut the paper of between the two cirkels.
Here you see the final hole.
The two coins is put together with the round 3d-tape.

Glue the motive you chosed to spinn in the card. When this is done you have to place the coins between the open space in the paper.

To finish the card you then have to place enough of 3d-tape on the paper. Remember that the foam has to be thicker than the coin. Attach the paper on your card and you hopely have a spining card.
The finished card.

På Youtube hittar man många videon där det visas hur man gör spin kort. Här är en.
To get the card to spinn is not allways a succes. I have personaly noticed that it has to do with what coin you use and also which motive you use.
Vilket läckert kort, det måste jag testa någon dag! =)
Thanks Carola for great tutorial-have to try this one!
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