Chrismas is getting very close,
and we at StampARTic & ARTsy are taking our traditional holiday break.
Our first article in 2012 will be on the 15th of January.
We want to wish all our readers
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
Our first article in 2012 will be on the 15th of January.
We want to wish all our readers
A Merry Christmas
A Happy New Year
We will of course try to keep you busy until we "meet again", so we have two things for you...
You will find the StampARTic's & ARTsy's cards below - enjoy! Remember that you need to post the card before 10th of January, as we are announcing the winner in the first article in 2012.
1. Winter Challenge
Make a Winter Birthday Card in your own style,
with the products/techniques you like the most!
with the products/techniques you like the most!
You will find the StampARTic's & ARTsy's cards below - enjoy! Remember that you need to post the card before 10th of January, as we are announcing the winner in the first article in 2012.
2. ARTsy DT Call
Two of our DT members on the team has left us, and we say thank you so much for the inspiration to Yvonne & Vigdis. We are glad to have seen artsy style cards from you, and wish you all the best for new challenges and tasks!
Do you have an eye for the ARTsy style?
If you do, please send us a application for a spot on the ARTsy team. We want you who have the passion for paint, inks and other mediums. Don't hesitate to apply as we need all styles, views & ideas. Please send us an application to
Here's our two teams cards...

Two of our DT members on the team has left us, and we say thank you so much for the inspiration to Yvonne & Vigdis. We are glad to have seen artsy style cards from you, and wish you all the best for new challenges and tasks!
Do you have an eye for the ARTsy style?
If you do, please send us a application for a spot on the ARTsy team. We want you who have the passion for paint, inks and other mediums. Don't hesitate to apply as we need all styles, views & ideas. Please send us an application to
Here's our two teams cards...


stiunning collection of inspirational cards.....well done to all
Just gorgeous creations you made all.
Thanks for the inspiration and hope that you continue in 2012.
Have nice holidays
xx Anita
Ni är alla bara så jätte, jätte duktiga. Tack för alla vackra, underbara kort och tutorial ni har delad med er.
Önskar er alla En Riktig, Riktig God Jul och Ett Gott Nytt År!
Christine S
Så mycket inspiration!
God Jul!
Takk for masse inspirasjon - en super blogg!
Godt nytt år til dere!
Mitt første bidrag hos dere :) Liker siden godt!
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